About TWL

TWL Network

Elevate your online gaming experience across a wide selection of competitive and cooperative titles.


Better online multiplayer

We are connecting players to play more games in more ways. We host gamer-run ladders, leagues, events and servers using a framework developed from the original TWL model.

Play more games

Building stacks of organized players to deploy together and against one another in games, regardless of the game’s age or mainstream popularity, is what we aim to continue doing. Collaborating with various gaming cultures not only gives us the insight, opponents and support we need; it also gives us more quality games to play with more players.

Recognition breeds quality

We believe that hostinga place where you will bump into familiar faces and where people will recognize your name and accomplishments benefits the community as a whole. As the video game industry shifts away from providing dedicated servers and focuses on their own pro-level competitions, gaming communities struggle to stay afloat. At TWL we seek to return to that lost feeling of togetherness by providing an environment where players of all skill levels can interact, meet up for games, and create positive gaming experiences together.

Ladders matter

Ladders hold an unassailable quality: they are a natural fit for being both inclusive and balanced. Every competitor joins the bottom of the ladder and inevitably works their way up to being surrounded by equally skilled opponents. Ladders can house multiple ecosystems within communities and provide endless, balanced entertainment without bias. Losing a match doesn't eliminate you like other leagues, it just affects your W/L history - and you can play again and again.

Why this reboot is different

There's been a few over the years, we think this one will stick for several reasons:

  • We know each other: we’re the same group of people that met at TWL years ago and still get along really well after all these years. There's mutual respect and stability amongst the group, and we’ve already overcome adversity together before.
  • Demonstrable interest: during the TWL gap years we've never stopped hosting games, filling rosters, or putting together community-based events. We’re still really interested in this stuff and look to share that interest with like-minded people.
  • A shared nostalgia: our standards and values are based off of what we cherished back when TWL was experiencing its heyday, we've wanted this for a long time as gamers.
  • World-class infrastructure: scalable, integrated, modern and we've got backups this time ;)
  • Holistic view: having internalized the good, the bad and the ugly, we feel more ready than ever to consider the big picture and deliver something great. We look to focus our time and attention on building strong communities and participating in gaming experiences that speak to the way we like to enjoy games.
  • Benefit of time: the journey from TWL to other leagues, through other reboots, on to RGN and now back has granted us unparalleled experience and insight.

How you can start using TWL right away

Connect to our Discord and start talking/gaming today. TWL is a group-agnostic environment: use it to find teammates, clan mates, opponents, gaming events and more. By centralizing some of this activity we can further help players and teams extend the life of their gaming experiences by making new allies and rivals and by providing competitions and game nights to join. Come introduce yourself, promote your group, share your stream, or collaborate with us and organize something awesome for your community.

TWL History

Originally launched on January 18, 2001 by co-founders Will ‘Polaris’ Everett and Myles ‘Triston’ Angell, TeamWarfare League (TWL) was a website originally developed to provide a competitive outlet for players of Starsiege: Tribes. Carried on the backs of its countless volunteer staff, TWL was able to evolve into a multi-gaming platform providing competitive outlets via ladders and leagues for a multitude of multiplayer games, both on console and on PC.

Through the years TWL saw well over 850,000 players join at least one of the over 130,000 teams registered across over 150 supported games. TWL quickly grew into one of the largest gaming communities on the planet. Through its history, one thing stood out amongst the rest; TWL was run entirely by a community of selfless gamers that banded together and volunteered their time to help share their love of competitive gaming with the rest of the world. From coding to admins and everyone in between, TWL would never have been possible without the efforts of the volunteers that made the organization so successful.

TeamWarfare League was sold in 2014 and in 2015 that ownership was stripped due to a breach of contract. Later that year a group of former admins gained ownership of the domain. When that group failed to successfully re-launch the project, the domain was simply lost and put up for sale. In 2019, a small group of former TWL admins regrouped and formed to create Rebound Gaming Network (RGN) in 2019 and hosted several highly successful community events.

A matured view and heightened demand prompted reconsideration of how TWL should return and relaunched in 2021 with several core TWL admins. Rather than being a "league" TWL is now seen as a network poised to connect communities and enhance gaming options for all, still carried on the backs of volunteers that seek to provide a fun, friendly, and inclusive competitive outlet for gamers of all skill levels.

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Teamwarfare League Network
© 2024 Teamwarfare League Network